Stanozolol Suspension (Winstrol) ZPHC 50mg/ml


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Efficacité de Stanozolol Suspension (Winstrol) ZPHC 50mg/ml

Although used to stave off lean tissue wasting, Winstrol is not what we’d call a bulking steroid. You will rarely find this steroid in an off-season mass gaining stack. However, it could be used in an effort to enhance the activity of the other steroids being used due to the strong SHBG reduction it will provide but this is generally not recommended. When we dive into the side effects of Winstrol, we will find it is very hepatotoxic and use should be limited to when it’s most valuable. For the male athlete, this will not be during the bulking phase.

When it comes to off-season bulking, we could make more of an exception with female use. Females are far more sensitive to the steroid and short burst plans could be very beneficial during this phase. But again, there are probably better options.

The effects of Winstrol are undoubtedly most beneficial to direct performance enhancement of an athletic nature. We’re talking about functional competitive athletes, not bodybuilders or physique athletes. This steroid has the ability to greatly increase strength and this can translate into both power and speed. Further, it will accomplish this without adding a lot of additional weight that could hinder some depending on the sport, as well as cause unwanted attention from prying eyes. There have been those who have said Winstrol isn’t good for competitive athletes, especially those athletes in explosive sports due to potential weakening of the tendons but this is more or less message board anecdotal hysteria that supports this claim. In fact, many studies have shown it can have a positive impact on strengthening tendons and we already know it’s good for the bones. If not, it wouldn’t be used to treat osteoporosis.

There are also some who complain of joint pain when using Winstrol. As a steroid that does not aromatize there will be no water retention but the “dry feeling” may not be what many think it is. Most who use the steroid will be physique athletes or gym rats during a cutting phase. They will also typically add it into a plan late in the diet once they’re already lean. Typically, when you become very lean, bodybuilding lean, this makes the joints a little uncomfortable. With or without Winstrol this discomfort could potentially exist. As for pro athletes who have nearly every last steroid at their disposal, remember, if Winstrol weren’t effective in competitive sports so many athletes wouldn’t make it a primary and favorite choice. In fact, the combo of Winstrol with low doses of Nandrolone is a very common stack among many athletes, and this stack will greatly eliminate any potential joint discomfort should it exist.

Beyond athletics, the gym rat or bodybuilding effects of Winstrol will be best displayed once you’re already somewhat lean. The steroid will help produce a dryer, harder look but only if you’re relatively lean. It will also aid in lean tissue preservation but not to a very strong degree that’s often needed in such a phase. It’s typically recommended that Winstrol only be used in this capacity as a secondary steroid, not a base or foundational steroid.

Both men and women can greatly benefit from Winstrol during the cutting phase. While it won’t be the best lean tissue preserver, many report maintaining more of their strength that is often lost when dieting when Winstrol is in play. Vascularity should also become more pronounced and overall the individual should enjoy an overall enhancement in definition.


  • Augmentation de la force.
  • Synthèse du collagène.
  • Durcissement des muscles.
  • Réduire la SHBG.
  • Déclencher la perte de graisse.
  • Assurer la préservation des muscles.
  • Améliorer les performances.

Effets secondaires

  • Acné.
  • Problèmes de cholestérol.
  • Palpitations cardiaques.
  • Dommages au foie.
  • Problèmes de sommeil.
  • Érection trop fréquente ou persistante du pénis.
  • Rugissement (femmes).
  • Nausées.
  • Vomissements.
  • Gonflement de la cheville.
  • Changement de couleur de la peau.
  • Maux de tête.

Informations complémentaires

substance active


Quantité de substance, mg


formulaire de décharge


1 flacon, ml


Bouteilles par paquet, pcs





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